by A Abqoriyah I
Azan MP3 by Muslim contains the top most beautiful islamic azan / adzan / athan more than 100 azan /...
Azan MP3 by Muslim contains the top most beautiful islamic azan / adzan / athan more than 100 azan / adzan / athan of the world best muadine or muazine. Most Beautiful Azan MP3 is an Islamic app that allows you to listen the azan sounds. Download Azan and enjoy the most Most Beautiful Azan in Ramadan 2017 / Ramadhan 2017 and Eid Al-Fitr 2017 or Eid al-Adha 2017 by the best Muadins in the Islamic world it can be used as Fajr Alarm, Ezan Alarm or Salat Reminder some exemples of Adan : athan from mecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi, ezan from Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan. Azan MP3 - Adhan alarm is a super easy app that works on Android’s phones and allows to its users to listen to the latest muazzins’s incredible voices and enjoy the beauty and deep words whenever you like. This Islamic application contains more than 50 different sounds of adhan mp3 for Fajr and sobh Salat Alarm. For over a 1400 Athan is called out by the muezzin in the mosque to all muslims to pray to Allah 5 times a day.Call for prayer Times : Allahu akbar, Ash-hadu an-la ilaha illa allah, Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan-Rasul ullah, Hayya'alas-ṣalah, Hayya ʿalal-falaḥ, As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm, Allāhu akbar, La ilaha illa-AllahAdhan : God is greatest, God is greatest : الله أكبرأشهد ألا إله إلا الله I bear witness that there is no deity but God.أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.أشهد ان عليا ولي الله I testify that Ali is the Viceregent (wali) of God.حي على الصلاة Hasten to worship (salat).حي على الفلاح Hasten to success.حي على خير العمل The time for the best of deeds has come!الله أكبر God is the greatest.لا إله إلا الله There is no deity but GodIncludes Athan from;Azan from Makkah Kaaba MukarramahAzan from Makkah MukarramahAzan Fajr from Makkah MukarramahAzan from Madinah Munawwarah Azan from Masjid Al AqsaAzan from UAEAzan from EgyptAzan from TurkeyAzan from IranAzan from IraqAzan from PakistanAzan from BosniaAzan from USAAzan from UKAzan from IndonesiaKids Azan from IndonesiaAzan from MalaysiaAzan from SingaporeAzan from PhilippinesBeautiful Kids AzanSheikh Abu HazimSheikh Abdul Rahman Al SudaisSheikh Abdul Wadood AsimSheikh Abdur Rahman Al OssiSheikh Ali Ahmed MullaSheikh Abderrahim EdghouchSheikh Abdul Basit Abdul SamadSheikh Ahmad TijaniSheikh Ali Mahmood [Maqam Bayati]Sheikh Fahd KanderiSheikh Hajjaj HindawiSheikh Hassan SalehSheikh Kamal UddinSheikh Mahmoud Khalil Al-HusarySheikh Mansoor Al-ZahraanySheikh Mishary Rashid Al-AfasySheikh Muhammad Al-LuhaidaanSheikh Muhammad Siddiq MinshawiSheikh Mustapha OzcanSheikh Nasir Al-QatamiSheikh Nazim Al-QubrusiSheikh Sadaqat AliSheikh Taha Al-Fashni [Maqam Bayati]Sheikh Yahya HawwaSheikh Yasir AbdussamadSheikh Ustaz Fahmi AsyrafSheikh Rahim Moazenzadeh ArdabiliSheikh Ali Ahmed MollaSheikh Abdul MajeedSheikh ZayedHabib Syech bin Abdul Qodir AssegafYusuf Islam (Cat Steven)and many more to come in the update Insya Allah.This app allows you to listen the azan. Adhan is called out by the muezzin in the mosque five times a day, traditionally from a minaret, summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) prayers (salah). Listening Azan MP3 Recited by Many of Muadzin like Hamad Deghreri, Az Zahrani etc. Download and install this app to listening beautifull voices of 65 Muadzin. This app contains different types of Azan Audio for you. Athan is heard all over the world to the believers to Pray to Allah. Download and Listen to Adhan Fajr ( Azan - Ezan - Athan - Atan - Adan ) in MP3.The copyright of the songs in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership on the song. thanks.